Monday, March 10, 2014

King of The World: Disney's Hollywood Studios pt. 2

So, let's pick up where we left off, shall we?  Last time we had scrapped the Backlot Tour in order to make room for an expanded Pixar Place.

Next door to that is the Lights! Motor! Action! stunt show.  I feel like that type of stunt show is pretty cool, but without the tour right there, the theming would need to be adjusted.  But, what would you chane it to, you ask?  "The Great Gonzo's Magnificent Exploding Stunt Spectacular!"  With the rebirth of the Muppets, it is time to expand their presence in the parks.  The Streets of America would be a great place to convert into 'The Muppet Studios.'  

Street building could be designed to show their impact, 'Muppet-Vision' could be updated a bit, there is a ton of potential for a Muppets themed area.  My favorite idea would be to convert Mama Melrose's into The Shmorgishborgi, a restaurant run by the famous Swedish Chef.  Like the Monsters, Inc roller coaster, this isn't an original idea, but it is brilliant and Disney should absolutely do it! In my vision, you would be able to see into the 'kitchen' which is manned by various Muppets and like anything they touch, hi jinx ensue.  How much fun would this be for the kids--or adults, even?

The next big theming change I would do would be to convert much of Echo Lake into LucasLand.  I mean, this isn't a stretch as a good chunk of the area is taken up by Star Tours and the Indiana Jones Stunt Spectacular and their various shops and snack kiosks.

However, I would make a slight change and expand a bit by turning what used to be the Drew Carey Sounds Dangerous show into Skywalker Sound.  It would be the same basic concept, just with a Lucas Film focus.

Next, I would move the American Idol Experience.  I wouldn't get rid of it, just move it to another area, as you will see in a minute.  I would use that building to put on some kind of new live show about the making of a TV talk show or sitcom.  It would be improved with a looses script and feature some audience interaction.

Also, I would move the Disney Junior Play and Dine over the that new area we created for restaurants in Animation Courtyard.

I would leave Hollywood Boulevard as it is (excluding the changes to the Great Movie Ride), and head toward Sunset Boulevard.  Sunset seems to me to be a bit if a catch-all for anything that doesn't really fit any other theming, but I also feel that one or two changes could fix that quickly.  

First, I would remove Beauty and the Beast and put Anerican Idol into that theatre.  Then, I would alter Rockin' Roller Coaster and instead theme it around American Bandstand.  Lastly, I would replace Fantasmic with a modified version of the World of Color show from Disneyland.  With those three changes, this area becomes Television Magic!

And just like that, Disney's Hollywood Studios becomes a park where a guest can enjoy the magic of Hollywood while exploring the various studios Disney owns.  Guests can see action and technology in LucasLand, irreverent comedy in Muppets Studios, all ages fun in Pixar Place and the Animation Courtyard, and thrills in the Television magic area.  The park would continue to display the magic of Hollywood, while showcasing the company's history and various film studios.

Well, what do you think?  I'd love to hear your thoughts and feedback, so please, leave a comment below!

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